Install Android SDK Without Android Studio

Recently I have found opensource water reminder application. But they don’t provide APK file in their releases. So I want to build the APK file from the source. I don’t want to install Android Studio. Just want to setup Android SDK and build...

Multiple mysql instances in windows

Now again windows stuff... I am using windows OS in office 😌... This post is about a simple tweaks about running multiple mysql instance in one windows machine. Each instance runs in a different port and behaves as a dedicated standalone server....

Read properties file using Batch

Read a properties file using bat file i want to read a below property file and get the particular key value My properties file look like version=1.0.2 date=24/March/2010 I want get the version from the properties file. you can do this …

Flash Player Debugger

Flash Player Debugger How to get the flash player debugger version ...? You can download the flashplayer debugger version from here . The direct download link for windows is For IE and for...