Script to get Stock History Information

I wrote a python script to get stock market current and history information based on Google finance API. Here I am going to explain about that. How to setup Download into /usr/local/bin folder as stockinfo chmod +x...


Live Cricket Score on your terminal

Live Cricket Score From CricInfo on your Bash Terminal You are a hardcore cricket fan, want to get updated the score while working 😄 😄 . But bored to open a browser ⇒ goto cricinfo ⇒ goto particular cricket match. Welcome, this script for you...


Installing Oracle JDK / JRE in CentOS Ubuntu

In earlier days (while SUN), Installing JRE / JDK in a VM is very easy process just like extracting a file and use it. Now wget-ing the source file itself a bit long process. After that you have use few commands to set this newly installed Java...
