Jsp to Servlet converter

Jsp to Servlet converter Here is the Ant build file to convert jsp file to servlet file. jspc (JavaServerPages Compiler) tool is helping to convert the jsp. The requirements are you need java sdk apache tomcat ant

Java offline Documentation

why it is need ..? If you not have or limited bandwidth internet connecion in your machine at that time it is very helpfull to solve your java programming problems. The java documentation of your project is help to easily understand the classes...

How Singleton pattern in Java

What is singleton ..? It is a Design pattern. At this time what is Design pattern ..? To find out the best way to do a thing apart from the various method. Documenting a solution for the common problems. The Rule for the Singleton are: restrict...

Adding Remote JMX for Red5

How to Add JMX for Red5 Server Here we are going to know, how-to managing red5 server remotely using JMX. what is red5 server ..? Red5 is an Open Source Flash Server written in Java that supports: Streaming Video (FLV, F4V, MP4) Streaming Audio...

Secure login using java servlet

The user authentication is the common task when we create a web application.The servlet have j_security_check authentication method.This is commonly called as form based authentication. Here the steps for this authentication. This is in your...