Ubuntu file comparison tool - Bcompare

Beyond Compare for ubuntu [![image0](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_X5tq9y9xv2s/TFGzRmR8VQI/AAAAAAAAAd8/eDuMSfQbXw4/s320/File+compare.png)](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_X5tq9y9xv2s/TFGzRmR8VQI/AAAAAAAAAd8/eDuMSfQbXw4/s1600/File+compare.png) There are...

How to add Red5 service

How to add Red5 service In this article you are going to add red5 service in your Linux box. Please use the Below script. #!/bin/bash # Author www.arulraj.net # red5 This is used to start, stop, restart and status of red5 # export...

Tamil FM radio for ubuntu

How to add Tamil FM radio for ubuntu Ubuntu having a superb software for playing media files, podcast, online radio and playlist etc., The software is Rhythmbox / VLC. Using that software you can add any online radio. This post for add tamil FM...

Offline dictionary for ubuntu 10.04

[![image0](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_X5tq9y9xv2s/TCj1u9sK79I/AAAAAAAAAbE/6-RRuRSCn6w/s320/ubuntu_icon.png)](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_X5tq9y9xv2s/TCj1u9sK79I/AAAAAAAAAbE/6-RRuRSCn6w/s1600/ubuntu_icon.png) Why offline dictionary ..? Anyway ubuntu...