Upgrade openssl in Ubuntu and CentOS

Upgrade OpenSSL in Ubuntu and CentOS Hope you know about openssl heartbleed bug. Don't know about, no problem go through it http://heartbleed.com/ . The point here is you should upgrade your openssl. Because of this bug all linux variants release...


Shared media files with other users in linux

I think everyone might come across this problem. How to share your Music and Videos with other users in linux machine..? For mine (username is arul ) I have all music and videos in my home folder. I want to share those with others ( username is...


Dos2Unix / Unix2Dos in ubuntu

By default ubuntu does not have dos2unix and unix2dos commands. But they provide some alternative commands. Those are fromdos and todos. sometimes its hard to switch to new commands. You can solve this issue by creating soft / symbolic links....


How to add Red5 service

How to add Red5 service In this article you are going to add red5 service in your Linux box. Please use the Below script. #!/bin/bash # Author www.arulraj.net # red5 This is used to start, stop, restart and status of red5 # export...


Ubuntu FAQ

Hi i am using ubuntu in my laptop . Previously i am using windows os. i face some problems like how to open my computer in shorcut, show desktop, Run etc., i search in google and resolve here i explain how to do those things. This is not for...
