CentOS Networking FAQ

How to set static ip..? [root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= NETMASK= TYPE=Ethernet [root@localhost ~]# Edit your...

How to Add FreeSwitch Service

Hello all, Here how to start freeswitchwhen machine boots. #!/bin/bash # # freeswitch This starts and stops the freeswitch # # chkconfig: 345 60 50 # chkconfig: - 60 50 # description: freeswitch.sh - startup script for freeswitch on FreeBSD #...

Server Virtualization

Server Virtualization What is Virtualization..? Virtualizationis a technique of partitioning or dividing the resources of a single server into multiple segregated execution environments. Each of these environments runs independently of the other,...

Visiting Besant Nagar Broken Bridge

Broken Bridge in a kilometre and half away from Besant Nagar beach . You have to cross a hamlet of fishermen to get to this place. All of our friend getting bike and go there to see the sunrise. There we taken some snaps. Here i share my photos