Type tamil in ubuntu

I Just want to post a comment in my friend facebook wall... I feel if that comment is in Tamil it will be more expressive.. There are more services available for online like http://www.google.com/transliterate/indic/Tamil . But in the future if...

Hectic problem in ubuntu - resolved

My Hectic problem in Ubuntu Here I will explain how to resolve hectic problems in ubuntu (that I felt were tough). Here is the list of my problems. Number Lock not enabled when booting Brightness adjustment Tata photon+ data card problem...

Ubuntu file comparison tool - Bcompare

Beyond Compare for ubuntu [![image0](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_X5tq9y9xv2s/TFGzRmR8VQI/AAAAAAAAAd8/eDuMSfQbXw4/s320/File+compare.png)](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_X5tq9y9xv2s/TFGzRmR8VQI/AAAAAAAAAd8/eDuMSfQbXw4/s1600/File+compare.png) There are...

Tamil FM radio for ubuntu

How to add Tamil FM radio for ubuntu Ubuntu having a superb software for playing media files, podcast, online radio and playlist etc., The software is Rhythmbox / VLC. Using that software you can add any online radio. This post for add tamil FM...