Generate NATS seed and Keypair using Python nkeys

This blog post about generate a seed, private key and public key using Python I couldn’t find any direct example to create seed for user, account or cluster as like Golang or Java. 🐎Golang Example From their source code to create new...

Docker Compose inline configuration file

You know I am the big fan of docker compose (fig 😸). I am the advanced user in compose and swarm. Deployed swarm based cluster for different product and its handles millions of request every day. The requirement Here is the example about how we...

Finding Library for Python Interactive CLI/Shell

My requirement is to Ask question to user and the user select the answer from choices. I want the cli should be in python because the libraries the cli interact with is already developed python. First I have found below from Reddit PyInquirer Its...

Install Docker, Compose and Buildx Manually

In this article, Install the docker binary manually. The setup compose and buildx. So that docker buildx or docker compose (There is a space after docker) command will work as like any other installation. These can be used install docker with in...

Install Android SDK Without Android Studio

Recently I have found opensource water reminder application. But they don’t provide APK file in their releases. So I want to build the APK file from the source. I don’t want to install Android Studio. Just want to setup Android SDK and build...