How to create and use private / public keys

Hi all, Here the document for how to create private and public keys for login. This is more helpful others can login to your machine without disclose the password. How to create private key for my machine..? Go to /home/root/.ssh folder. Then run...

CentOS Networking FAQ

How to set static ip..? [root@localhost ~]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 ONBOOT=yes BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= NETMASK= TYPE=Ethernet [root@localhost ~]# Edit your...

How to Add FreeSwitch Service

Hello all, Here how to start freeswitchwhen machine boots. #!/bin/bash # # freeswitch This starts and stops the freeswitch # # chkconfig: 345 60 50 # chkconfig: - 60 50 # description: - startup script for freeswitch on FreeBSD #...

Server Virtualization

Server Virtualization What is Virtualization..? Virtualizationis a technique of partitioning or dividing the resources of a single server into multiple segregated execution environments. Each of these environments runs independently of the other,...