Java offline Documentation

why it is need ..? If you not have or limited bandwidth internet connecion in your machine at that time it is very helpfull to solve your java programming problems. The java documentation of your project is help to easily understand the classes...

Soundcard in xen vm

Enable sound card in xen vm How to enable sound card in the xen based vm..? The vmware vm have the functionalists for adding sound card to their vm's. Then what about xen vm By adding the below line to your HVM (Hardware Virtual Machine) file,...

Read properties file using Batch

Read a properties file using bat file i want to read a below property file and get the particular key value My properties file look like version=1.0.2 date=24/March/2010 I want get the version from the properties file. you can do this …

How Singleton pattern in Java

What is singleton ..? It is a Design pattern. At this time what is Design pattern ..? To find out the best way to do a thing apart from the various method. Documenting a solution for the common problems. The Rule for the Singleton are: restrict...

How to add www to your domain name

How to add www to your domain name Before going to the htaccess . You need to answer my question, The question is Do you think and both are different domain name or same ..? ya. we (humans) know both are points the...