Offline dictionary for ubuntu 10.04

[![image0](]( Why offline dictionary ..? Anyway ubuntu...

Print screen using java

Is there any api for capure my screen ..? You don't need any api. Java have the inbuild functionalities for this. Using the Robot class you can print your screen. Here is the code sample and explanation. Example code: import...

Ubuntu FAQ

Hi i am using ubuntu in my laptop . Previously i am using windows os. i face some problems like how to open my computer in shorcut, show desktop, Run etc., i search in google and resolve here i explain how to do those things. This is not for...

Install Ubuntu 10.04 in Acer 5740

In this blog post i am going to explain how to install ubuntu 10.04 in Acer 5740 laptop. Recently i bought a new Acer 5740 laptop with DOS Operating System. The total price is Rs.30,000 in chennai. Before buying this laptop i fixed in my mind use …

Jsp to Servlet converter

Jsp to Servlet converter Here is the Ant build file to convert jsp file to servlet file. jspc (JavaServerPages Compiler) tool is helping to convert the jsp. The requirements are you need java sdk apache tomcat ant