Type tamil in ubuntu

I Just want to post a comment in my friend facebook wall... I feel if that comment is in Tamil it will be more expressive.. There are more services available for online like http://www.google.com/transliterate/indic/Tamil . But in the future if...

Hectic problem in ubuntu - resolved

My Hectic problem in Ubuntu Here I will explain how to resolve hectic problems in ubuntu (that I felt were tough). Here is the list of my problems. Number Lock not enabled when booting Brightness adjustment Tata photon+ data card problem...

Flash Log with date and time

Flash trace with Date and Time When i am work with a Difficult Flex application its hard to find which log is come first and which one come second in the flashlog trace. I searching for any log4j api like in flex. Yes i got.. Flex have that inbuit. Here …

Image to binary data in java

Image to binary data in java [![image0](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_X5tq9y9xv2s/TMiAHb-LmaI/AAAAAAAAAjM/sfMeXSo95hY/s320/logo.png)](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_X5tq9y9xv2s/TMiAHb-LmaI/AAAAAAAAAjM/sfMeXSo95hY/s1600/logo.png) Today i learn a new thing....

Flash player debugger in ubuntu

How to flash debug player in Linux After a long time i am working on Flex for one of client for his one to one chat application. At this time i need flash debugger for debugging my program. The debug player need for to print trace() output to...