AsciiDoctor with pelican

This article written in asciidoc format. Refer this source

Asciidoc integration with Attila theme in pelican static site generator is in progress. So most of text formatting and syntax highlighting is not supported in this theme.

The same article hosted using pure asciidoctor in here

1. Articles in asciidoc format with pelican static site generator

Refer by file. In the plugins section I have added asciidoc_reader plugin


Then write this article with asciidoctor syntax and save this with .adoc extenstion.

2. Examples

Here is the example about different components in asciidoc format.


A bold word, and a bold phrase of text.

Bold characters within a word.

An italic word, and an italic phrase of text.

Italic characters within a word.

“Wait!” Indigo plucked a small vial from her desk’s top drawer
and held it toward us.
The vial’s label read: E=mc2; the E represents energy,
but also pure genius!

The text underline me is underlined.

Mark my words, automation is essential.

“Well the H2O formula written on their whiteboard could be part
of a shopping list, but I don’t think the local bodega sells
E=mc2,” Lazarus replied.

The deepest body of water is Deep Creek Lake.[citation needed]

Do werewolves believe in small print?

Once upon an infinite loop.

Type the word asciidoctor into the search bar.


A paragraph followed by an unordered list[1] with square bullets.[2]

  • item 1

  • item 2

  • item 3

Ordered list

  1. Protons

  2. Electrons

  3. Neutrons


  1. Step 1

  2. Step 2

    1. Step 2a

    2. Step 2b

  3. Step 3

Nested unordered with in ordered

  1. Linux

    • Fedora

    • Ubuntu

    • Slackware

  2. BSD

    • FreeBSD

    • NetBSD


Parts of an atom
  1. Protons

  2. Electrons

  3. Neutrons

Start with different Number

  1. Step four

  2. Step five

  3. Step six

Description list


The brain of the computer.

Hard drive

Permanent storage for operating system and/or user files.


Temporarily stores information the CPU uses during operation.


Used to enter text or control items on the screen.


Used to point to and select items on your computer screen.


Displays information in visual form using text and graphics.


What is there to do?

  • Done

  • Next

  • Who’s counting?

Ask questions in the community chat.

Keyboard macro

Shortcut Purpose


Toggle fullscreen


Open a new tab


New incognito window


Used to escape characters


Jump to keyword


Increase zoom

To save the file, select File  Save.

Select View  Zoom  Reset to reset the zoom level to the default setting.


Figure 1. A mountain sunset

You can find Linux everywhere these days.


Vimeo Video

Youtube Video


Wolpertingers are known to nest in server racks.
Enter at your own risk.
Remember the milk!

The Wolpertingers can smell your procrastination.
It’s not their fault you can’t find your boots.


Example 1. Optional title
This is an example of an example block.
Example 2. Onomatopoeia

The book hit the floor with a thud.

He could hear doves cooing in the pine trees’ branches.

After landing the cloaked Klingon bird of prey in Golden Gate park:
Everybody remember where we parked.
— Captain James T. Kirk
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
No bark was harmed in the making of this potion.
We’re not so sure about a couple ants though.

Nor those worlds…​

Crap, I smell an injunction.
— The documentation attorneys

Dennis: Come and see the violence inherent in the system. Help! Help! I’m being repressed!

King Arthur: Bloody peasant!

Dennis: Oh, what a giveaway! Did you hear that? Did you hear that, eh? That’s what I’m on about! Did you see him repressing me? You saw him, Didn’t you?

— Monty Python and the Holy Grail
The fog comes
on little cat feet.

It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.
— Carl Sandburg

collapsible Block

Show stacktrace
Error: Content repository not found (url:
    at transformGitCloneError
    at git.clone.then.then.catch
Caused by: HttpError: HTTP Error: 401 HTTP Basic: Access Denied
    at GitCredentialManagerStore.rejected
    at fill.then

Source code


fail () {
    echo "$*"
    exit 1
} >&2

which java >/dev/null 2>&1 || fail "ERROR: no 'java' command could be found in your PATH.

exec "$JAVACMD" "$@"
puts 1
puts 2
puts 3
  'loweralpha' => 'a',
  'lowerroman' => 'i',
  'upperalpha' => 'A',
  'upperroman' => 'I',
require 'sinatra' (1)

get '/hi' do (2) (3)
  "Hello World!"
1 Library import
2 URL mapping
3 Response block


Cell in column 1, row 1

Cell in column 2, row 1

Cell in column 1, row 2

Cell in column 2, row 2

Cell in column 1, row 3

Cell in column 2, row 3

Table 1. A table with a title
Column 1, header row Column 2, header row

Cell in column 1, row 2

Cell in column 2, row 2

Column 1, header row Column 2, header row Column 3, header row

Cell in column 1, row 2

Cell in column 2, row 2

Cell in column 3, row 2

Cell in column 1, row 3

Cell in column 2, row 3

Cell in column 3, row 3


\(sqrt(4) = 2\)

Water (\(H_2O\)) is a critical component.

A matrix can be written as \([[a,b],[c,d]]((n),(k))\).

\[sqrt(4) = 2\]

\(C = \alpha + \beta Y^{\gamma} + \epsilon\)

My Diabolical Mathematical Opus

An e-xciting limit with LaTeX!
\[\lim_{n \to \infty}\frac{n}{\sqrt[n]{n!}} = {\large e}\]
A basic square root with AsciiMath
\$sqrt(4) = 2\$

3. Conclustion

I am not happy with the output.

  • Code block is not well formatted.

  • MathJax is not supported.

  • Table is not well formatted.

Made few changes on the attila theme to support code highlight in asciidoc and added MathJax support.

But require lot of styling changes to make it better OR use asciidoctor.js to render the asciidoc content in the browser.

Need to support in my base theme. Lot of work.

Will add more features in the future in attila theme. Stay tuned.

1. AsciiDoc supports unordered, ordered, and description lists.
2. You may choose from square, disc, and circle for the bullet style.
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