Flash Log with date and time

Flash trace with Date and Time


When i am work with a Difficult Flex application its hard to find which log is come first and which one come second in the flashlog trace. I searching for any log4j api like in flex. Yes i got.. Flex have that inbuit. Here i share that how to i use in my project... The Class is "**TraceTarget**"... Using that class you can trace your log in different way like Debug, Info, Warn and Error.. Here is My example


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:sharedaa="com.sharedaa.\*" creationComplete="creationComplete()" preinitialize="initLogging()">
   import mx.logging.Log;
   import mx.logging.ILogger;
   import mx.logging.LogEventLevel;
   import mx.logging.targets.TraceTarget;
   import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
   import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem;
   import flash.net.navigateToURL;
   import flash.net.URLRequest;

   import flash.events.ContextMenuEvent;

   import flash.display.StageDisplayState;

   private var chatContextMenu: ContextMenu;

   private function initLogging(): void {
     // Create a target.
     var logTarget: TraceTarget = new TraceTarget();

     // Log only messages for the following packages
     logTarget.filters = ["com.sharedaa.\*"];

     // Log all log levels.
     logTarget.level = LogEventLevel.ALL;

     // Add date, time, category, and log level to the output.
     logTarget.includeDate = true;
     logTarget.includeTime = true;
     logTarget.includeCategory = true;
     logTarget.includeLevel = true;

     // Begin logging.

   private function addContextMenu(): void {
     chatContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
     var item: ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("www.arulraj.net");
     item.addEventListener("menuItemSelect", openNewWindow);
     this.contextMenu = chatContextMenu;

   private function openNewWindow(event: ContextMenuEvent): void {
     navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.arulraj.net"), "\_blank");

   private function creationComplete(): void {
  <mx:Canvas id="sharedaa">
    <mx:Canvas id="mainCanvas" x="0" y="0">
      <sharedaa:Main x="0" y="0" id="main" />
      <mx:Label text="Example for Trace with Time" />

And the Actionscript file is


package com.sharedaa {

  import mx.containers.VBox;
  import mx.logging.Log;
  import mx.logging.ILogger;

  public class Main extends VBox {

    private static var LOG: ILogger = Log.getLogger('com.sharedaa.Main');

    public function initMain(): void {
      LOG.debug("intialize main");

    public function printLog(): void {
      LOG.info("This is a info log");
      LOG.debug("here is a debug log");
      LOG.warn("display your warnings here");
      LOG.error("This is a error");


If you know better than this reply your ideas in comments...

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