Beyond Compare for ubuntu
There are some command line tool for compare two files. But i need a gnome application. The command line tools are.
For fcomp you need to install fhist.
apt-get install fhist
Then i tried meld . This is a Gnome based file comparison tool for ubuntu. you can install this using ubuntu software center. This is an opensource one. But its not working as expected [ May be i am not know the power of meld ]. I just tried some files.
When i was a windows user :) [till using windows in my office] i used beyond compare. That is too good for file compare and merge. Now i searched that software for ubuntu. Yes they provide software for Linux too..
I installed beyond compare in ubuntu 10.04.
Here some screen shots:
After installing you can open bcompare from Application --> Programming --> Beyond Compare
For file comparison you can Right click in a file and choose scripts --> Select for compare
Now the File difference
The winmerge is the best windows Bcompare alternative. For more info . This is a freeware and opensource. But its only available for windows not for linux :(