In this blog post i am going to explain how to install ubuntu 10.04 in Acer 5740 laptop. Recently i bought a new Acer 5740 laptop with DOS Operating System. The total price is Rs.30,000 in chennai. Before buying this laptop i fixed in my mind use only Linux Operating system in my new laptop. I have tried many other distros like Linux mint, Fedora and opensuse in vmware. Apart from that i like ubuntu, because user friendly. ok now let into the topic.
Here is my system Configuration:
How to install ubuntu ..?
- Download the DVD from
- Just Plug the dvd in your 5740 laptop.
- Select your Language
- Then select "Install ubuntu"
- Select your Time Zone
- Select your Keyboard layout
- Select your Partition option- i choose the default one
- Enter the Login user details
- Now copying files progress bar. This process only take too much off times for me, approximately it takes more than 45 min.
- Yes. you done it. you are successfully installed.
How to enable root user in ubuntu ..?
Go to Terminal. keyboard Shortcut for terminal is press CTRL + ALT + T. Then type the below command
Enter the new password and confirm the password. You can restrict the user privilege by Goto System -\> Administration -\> User and Groups and click the advanced option.
Photo Slide show:
Thanks to my friend Mr.Ponraj natarajan for helping me installing ubuntu. Without him it does not happen.