Read properties file using Batch

Read a properties file using bat file


i want to read a below property file and get the particular key value

My properties file look like

I want get the version from the properties file. you can do this by various method.

Using Type function:

C:\Users\Arul\Desktop>type | find "version"

There is disadvantage with this method you could not store that value in a variable.

Using For Loop:

C:\Users\Arul\Desktop>FOR /F %i IN ( DO echo %i

using this command you can read that file by line by line.

FOR /F "eol=; tokens=2,2 delims==" %i IN ( DO echo %i

Using this commend you can get the values only.

eol is End of Line

tokens is specify the which tokens are displayed - 2,2 means only the second token will be displayed

delims is the deliminator . this is the separator

FOR /F "eol=; tokens=2,2 delims==" %i IN ('findstr /i "version"') DO set version=%i

Using findstr get the correct string from the properties file and give as a input to the for loop. That for loop process the result and set that value to the variable version.

findstr /i means is not a case sensitive one

using echo you can get the value.

echo %version%

When you using in a bat add a % befor %i. That is Look like

FOR /F "eol=; tokens=2,2 delims==" %%i IN ('findstr /i "version"') DO
  set version=%%i
  echo %version%
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