Why i am moving to Linux in my home pc

Why i am moving to Linux in my home pc


For the past 3 years i have used pirated windows xp os in my home pc. But i have faced lot of problems like system very slow, Blue screen and more hectic thing is virus softwars. So i want to move any red-hat family, because i have some good experience with red-hat family os's like centOS rather then Ubuntu. I have the CentOS 5.0 dvd that was downloaded before an year. When install using that dvd Testing Disk is not completed some files are corrupted. I have fedora 7 dvd then successfully installed on Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz 2 cpu processor Intel 815 motherborad. I have the softwares for windows os only not for redhat rpm files.At that time wine(run Windows programs on Unix) software is help me a lot. I installed Openoffice and vlc using wine those are working fine. The mplayerand ffmpeg are used for my video and audio manipulation and playing. gnome-mplayer gives me the graphical toolbar option for mplayer. I used GIMPfor image manipulation. I have the Netbeans distibution dvd it has java6 sdk and netbeans it enable me to develop a jsp pages and other things. Opensource softwares are rocking then why i used that pirated os's (windows).. Till now i am not face any critical problems on fedora. Thanks to the fedora team.

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