Secure login using java servlet

The user authentication is the common task when we create a web application.The servlet have j_security_check authentication method.This is commonly called as form based authentication.

Here the steps for this authentication.


This is in your index.jsp or login page

<form action="j_security_check" method="post">
  Username <input name="j_username" type="text" />
  Password <input name="j_password" type="password" />
  <input type="submit" value="Login" />

Add below code in your web.xml

  <realm-name>Real Name</realm-name>

  <description>view all permissions</description>

  <description>limited permissions</description>


Add below code in your Tomcat's \conf\server.xml

<Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm" debug="99"
    userTable="USERTABLE" userNameCol="NAMECOLUMN" userCredCol="PASSCOLUMN"
    userRoleTable="ROLETABLE" roleNameCol="ROLECOLUMN"/>

For this you need two tables in your database. One is username table that contains username and password column. And another one is userrole table that contains username and role column.

  • debug —Here, we set the debug level. A higher number generates more detailed output.
  • driverName —The name of our MySQL driver. You need to be sure that the driver's JAR file is located in Tomcat's CLASSPATH.
  • connectionURL —The database URL that is used to establish a JDBC connection. In this field, weblogin is the name of our database; user and password are login data with which you are connecting to the database. In MySQL, such a user is created by default, so you can use it. In case you don't have such a user, you need to create your own user and make it capable of working with your weblogin database.
  • userTable —A table with at least two fields, defined in userNameCol and userCredCol.
  • userNameCol and userCredCol—The fields with the name of login field from the users table and pass.

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